Start the talk about gambling.

Find out what your child already knows
Ask simple questions: ``What is gambling? Have you seen it happen around you? Have you participated in gambling?``
Teach your child the facts
Remind your child that any gambling while still a youth is unsafe. Gambling can be addictive and can change how the brain develops. Consider sharing these facts from the National Council on Problem Gambling: Approximately 4 - 5% of youth ages 12 - 17 meet one or more criteria of having a gambling problem. Another 10 - 14% are at risk of developing an addiction, which means that they already show signs of losing control over their gambling behaviors.
Give your child clear rules
Clear rules let your youth know that it is not acceptable for them to participate in ANY gambling activities while they are under the age of 18. Let them know the consequences if they do.
Be prepared to answer your child's questions
Be honest, because this topic can bring about serious questions. Know the facts about gambling activities and how it affects the developing brain.
Talk with your child about how to say ``no``
Make sure your child knows you can be the excuse. Remind them that they can say, “My mom will know if I do this! She has a 6th sense about these things, and she would call your mom if she finds out. So no thanks, I don’t want any of us getting into trouble!”